Honor Troupe


All questions regarding Honor Troupe should be directed to

Tabatha Babcock at [email protected]



“Act Well Your Part, There All the Honor Lies”

Honor Troupe status recognizes troupes that do outstanding work in their school and/or community and achieve a high level of excellence, both on and off stage. There is no limit on the number of troupes that can apply each year, and each school's accomplishments should be unique to their community, school environment, and state involvement.


The Honor Troupe application process includes an application, a portfolio, and a presentation of the portfolio. 

Step 1 - Application

Make a copy of the Honor Troupe Application (https://bit.ly/25HonorTroupeApp)

and adjust the title of the document with your school’s information. Only complete the white sections of the Honor Troupe Application.  In order to receive Honor Troupe status troupes must earn 35 points total while reaching the minimum of 5 points in each category.  It is possible to receive the minimum points possible in each category and NOT receive Honor Troupe Status. *Please note that failure to get registration in on time and/or excessive charges may result in a forfeit of Honor Troupe status. 

Step 2 - Electronic OR Scrapbook Portfolio Creation

Troupes will create either an electronic portfolio or a scrapbook portfolio that follows the same order as the scoring rubric below. You must provide evidence for all of the items listed in your application.   The portfolio should represent the positive impact your troupe is making but the evidence provided should be clear and concise.  All forms of evidence should specifically identify the category. For example: A photo of students hanging out together needs to also include a program of the show they are seeing or a photo of an actor in costume needs to also show the inside of a program to prove that it was designed by a student. A photo of the show should also have a poster or program cover. Multiple pieces of evidence are encouraged. Evidence can include photos of the event, programs, posters, ticket stubs, newspaper clippings, and design renderings. Also, production titles may be repeated ONLY if it specifically says it can be repeated on the rubric.

Examples of Honor Troupe slide shows and applications can be found at https://bit.ly/Mohonortroupe.

Also, a template of an Honor Troupe Google Slide Presentation is available for your use at this link https://bit.ly/HonorTemplate 

Step 3 - Presentation

Portfolio presentations will be presented in person at the 2024 Leadership Conference.  The presentation may not exceed 8 minutes in length.  Presenters will introduce themselves, their school name, and troupe #. Be prepared for a questioning period after the presentation. There will only be a maximum of 2 students per school allowed in the room during presentations. Presenters will be asked to stay in the room until all presenters have gone. Presentations will be evaluated by two or three different judges. *Points will be deducted if the presentation exceeds the maximum time limit. See the above links for examples. Presenters must bring 3 copies of their filled-out Honor Troupe rubric to hand to the judges. If you don’t have your rubrics you will not be judged. 

Step 5 - Judging

Judging Honor Troupe Interviews is officially part of the Honor Troupe process. If you are unable to fulfill your judging duties you must find a replacement. All sponsors will be assigned to judge a round of interviews. Judging other schools' interviews will give you ideas to help you better prepare your own applications. Troupe sponsors will be contacted via email with their specific judging room and times during the week of Leadership. 

*Non-compliance with the code of conduct, failure to meet your judging responsibilities, failure to meet any registration deadlines, or excessive errors in registration could result in your forfeit of honor troupe status. 

**Facilitating a Late Night Activity at Thespian Conference will earn your troupe one miscellaneous Honor Troup Point to be used in a category where you have fallen short.