
STOs Open March 15th- Closes May 1st


Adult Executive Board Open March 15th- Closes May 1st
Election Process Statement: The online application, resume, and a signed contract signaling understanding of the expectations of this office  is due May 1st along with this application. The end of the online application will ask for uploading of these pages so you may want to secure these before starting it.
AExB Application (Google Form)


Activities and Events Board Open March 15th - May 1st
Election Process Statement: All interested adults can apply. Please make sure you review the Board Job Descriptions or direct questions to the Chapter Director to accurately decide what job(s) would best fit your skill and the time you wish to commit to MoT. This application along with the A/E Contract are expected for an application to be considered complete.

If you do not wish to chair a committee but wish to serve on one you will find the  Committee Application at the end of the Activities/Events application. No other items are required to serve on a committee other than this online application.

Alumni and Junior Board Applications Open April 1st-May 1st and links will be provided upon request to missouristatethespians@gmail.com